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Tuesday 2 December 2014

First semester at University...

My first semester at University is over and it's all a bit of a blur! 3 months of settling in getting to know everyone, getting eased into higher academic work and of course the late night partying..

Since my last post a lot of exciting things have happened, starting off with my course; if you have read my 'Moving to University' post then you'll know that I'm studying for a degree in Equine Science and Thoroughbred Management. A module in my course requires that I dissect certain systems within a horses body, for most people this is the most horrific and stomach turning scernario that they could be situated; however for me I'm a big science buff, and I couldn't explain my excite to have this opportunity to see what's inside a thoroughbred! 


We got to dissect a horses leg, stomach, liver, kidney, lungs, heart and the best dissection of all an entire horses head! 

Pictures are on my Instagram if you wish to see: alexandrapowis

Relating to the work I have been assigned i also had the opportunity to assist in the preparation of two foals that are being backed for sale, I would help in lunging, handling processes and the overall up keep of the foals. It was a thrilling experience to see the rate at which the foals grow and mature, but don't be fooled the little buggers have their moments.

Now down to the real reason everyone goes to university... PARTYING

I can honestly say that I've had so many wonderful nights I wouldn't beable to count them on my two hands! Although there aren't any 50's bars, cheesy bars are the next best thing! We have Monday Night Bridge which is a bar in the centre of Oxford that is pure pop and cheese, I've had more than one messy night at bridge! 

'The friends you make at university will be your friends for life' 

It was my 19th birthday recently and my first birthday away from home, if you know me I'm a massive family girl so it was quite strange not waking up to a house full of brummies! However I can say hand on heart that my flat mates and friends made it a birthday to remeber. I woke up on the Tuesday morning to find the kitchen filled with balloons and birthday banners, had a surprise birthday cake of two girls who live down stairs and then received another birthday cake and goodies off my flat mates. I still can't express how thankful I am for all of the attention and love!

I did crack however and I had to go home for the weekend, with the worlds greatest present waiting for me at home... A vintage bike with a duck egg blue frame and the classic basket!    

Pranks are a must at university and we've done our fair share, the old classic prank of toilet papering someone's room had to be done and our flat mate Lily was the victim...


I just wanted to give a small update as I've neglected my blog quite abit! 

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