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Tuesday 7 October 2014

Moving to University...

So on the 13th September I headed off to Oxford with Mom and Dad in a car literally bursting at the seams with my life's possessions, my time slot was 1:30 - 3:00 so ensure we got there in time we left Birmingham at 11:30. In all the journey took around an hour with an added extra half hour as we got lost in Oxford! This did however give me a glance at the beautiful and historical city I'll be living in for the next 4 years of my life...
You can probably guess my favourite colour from my new room...
Two pin boards are provided one above the desk top working area and the other besides the bed on the wall. To add some vintage glamour to my boudoir I placed Gil Elvgren portraits all around, with some flowers and clips attached around to add some 3demension to the board and make it that little bit more special...
The pin board above my desk also holds some Gil Elvgren portraits my favourite being that of the picture on the top right next to the Rhythm riot poster; pictures of my nearest and dearest are also a must that had to be added just to remind me of were I come from and what matters in life. Wow that sounded very deep! If you follow me on instagram or my previous blogs you'll know that horses are a huge contributor to the person I am today, so obviously I had to have pictures of my two big hairy girls...
Some of the wonderfully cute and cheeky bits and bobs that add to the vintage feel of my room...
Jars of chocolate or sweets are the way to your house mates hearts!
Exploring Oxford is one of the top goals on my to do list, so off exploring I went; never have I seen more breath-taking architecture in one place! Every turning and corner offers a new building or piece of history that makes Oxford the wonderful place it is today.
The shopping is one of the best, there are a number of high street shops such as Zara, Top shop, Warehouse and even a Jack Wills; I even managed to hunt down some vintage shops, were I might have been a little naughty...
Cashmere Jumper = £12.00
Cream Beret = £4.00
Silk Scarf = £2.00
There is a vintage fair on 11th October at the Town Hall in Oxford called 'Lou Lou's fair' so I shall attending and then blogging about it for you!
At university im studying 'Equine Science and Thoroughbred Management' which I am thoroughly enjoying at the moment! Learning the anatomy and physiology of the horse has to be my favourite part, seeing how these tremendous athletes are made will blow your mind!
Next week we have a trip to Tattersalls which is a market for horses, so look out for my next blog that will have all the details of how I got on...
Meet my university family...

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