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Thursday 3 July 2014

A workout with Josie Gibson...

We all want a hot summer bod, but a hot bod requires a workout; and to be honest I'm not the best at working out everyday...

I've never been ashamed of my body, quite the opposite actually I'm proud to be a curvy size 12; but every now and then I'd catch a glance in the mirror and simply not like the way I looked. Especially when you've got sisters as pretty as mine! 

Running wasn't my thing, always felt like i run the exact same way as Phoebe in that episode of friends...

Spin classes I attended were full of skinny bits who just stared at me like a whale out of water, gyms seemed to clicky and the swimming baths where I live are absolutely freezing so that's out the window as well! 

The answer to my problems is the Josie Gibson workout...

Perfectly balanced, intense yet an enjoyable workout that you can do any time of the day and in the privacy of my own home.

It works with 30 seconds of intense workout with a rest in between; the exercises range from different levels, but level one makes you work up a sweat if you do the harder positions. Variations of squats, on the spot running, push up position to standing position exercises and positions that make you stomach muscles BURN! 

Me, mom and Libby have been doing it for three weeks now and I can already see a difference. We're all different ages and have different fitness ranges, mom the super woman she is does her variation of the workout and Libby does hers; for that reason can be done by anyone! 

Although a recent article I read was that women of the 1950's burned more calories a day than modern woman due to the amount of house work and washing up they did. The biggest fault in modern living/fitness is the dishwasher and washing machine! According to the article if we didn't have the dishwasher/washing machine we'd all burn more calories doing the work by hand; as much as I'm in love with the 50's I think I'll stick to Josie...and keep the dishwasher and washing machine! 

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