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Thursday 12 February 2015

Hipshakin' in Oxford...

 Sorry its been so long since my last post, but I simply haven't had anything exciting to talk about, I recently returned back to university for my second semester and have been working my little tush off everyday! Who knew that I'd have so much work?
I found a 50's/60's rock' n' roll night in Oxford! *applause*
The Hipshakin' event is held once a month in an intimate little pub only 5 minutes away from my halls location, it provides all genres of music from swing, bop, jive, rockabilly...there's something for everyone!
I arrived with some friends around 8pm and first thing I heard was Gizelle- Voodoo, I knew I was in the right place! Everyone was so friendly and chatty there wasn't any hint of snootiness or arrogance, we all bopped and jived together until 1am and I can safely say that I will be attending the next Hipshakin' event...
But what did I wear?...

A nautical theme seemed to be the direction I was aiming for...

If you know me you'll know I love all things high waisted, and my old trusty Bernadette sailor trousers from Collectif clothing just had to be worn. I bought these early last year for around £50.00, pricey but a good investment considering the multiple times that I've worn them; if your like me and love to dance then I suggest getting a pair of swing trousers, as they give a big impression when your dancing!

This little navy striped bargain was from George at Asda, and only cost me £10.00! It is off the shoulders with an elastic neck line so that it doesn't slip, the navy happens to be a perfect match for my trousers...

The basket above is my all time favourite as it matches pretty much everything I own and was a cheeky purchase from the Rockabilly Rave last year, hopefully I'll be able to bag a few more at this years rave...
Accessories, what else but pearls?
Warning: Picture Spam Below...

Photographs below were taken by Jeff Slade

Next Hipshakin' Event
 Saturday 7th March
The James Street Tavern

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